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Buy it in a sentence

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Sentence count:144+9Posted:2017-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buyinginstallment buyingby itselfplay it safeplay it by earbuybuy outbuy upMeaning: v. be killed or die;. 
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91. You can decide by yourself, as the case may be, whether to buy it or not.
92. If they buy it from Auspex, it will take them 2 years.
93. There's a time when eaglet becomes lanneret , you can buy it anon .
94. Immediate payment is required after a Buy It Now purchase.
95. If you have something of value that you'd like to keep, and you think you'd have the money soon to buy it back, you can try pawning it.
96. Your digital watch is quite nice. Where did you buy it?
97. You can buy it when you go to the Greyhound station.
98. The house is out of this world; we must buy it.
99. I'll buy it back just as soon as I rustle some cash.
100. These stats suggest that Shangpin's target customer likely will be hungry for the type of online editorial content Shangpin plans to provide and, ideally, buy it as shopping advice.
101. After entering their customer number, the shopper clicks the Buy it button to initiate the purchase.
102. If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity.
103. If we'd let them buy it for a quarter of a million, we'd be sitting pretty by now.
104. The moment she sees the silk coverlet, she buy it.
105. Back to the train station, the first floor of a large food market to buy it.
106. Pulsed sprinkler can irrigate the cropland interruptedly and evenly, however[], the price of it is so high that most farmers can't afford to buy it.
107. Behold, Hanameel the son of Shallum thine uncle shall come unto thee, saying, Buy thee my field that is in Anathoth: for the right of redemption is thine to buy it.
108. Firefighter: Hey, Chief! TITe 's a 1959 pumper truck be auctioned nowadays. Let's buy it.
109. Whenever I come across something nice like this, I ask myself, If I stumbled across this gun at an airgun show and had the money, would I buy it?
110. But my friend Mary said it looked just so-so on me, so I didn't buy it.
111. If you buy it often, try the SaladSac, which is a reusable cotton bag that absorbs moisture. It can be machine-washed and dried.
112. Others buy it as an investment and retain ownership, and still others acquire it through a family trust for joint ownership.
113. Immediate payment will be required for Buy it Now transactions.
114. "Not at all, " said Teddy. "You've always been frugal. I think frugality runs in your family. You should buy it before another frenetic art lover snatcher it up. "
115. The news vender hasn't open yet , lets buy it later.
116. Don't use pickled beetroot, but buy it uncooked and cook it yourself.
117. Grace : If it jacks up the cost too much nobody will buy it.
118. You've got plenty of sweaters –so just because you see one half-price doesn't mean you should buy it.
119. Your raw wool scarf is so beautiful; where did you buy it?
120. Firefighter : Hey, Chief ! TITe 's a pumper truck be auctioned nowadays. Let's buy it.
More similar words: buyinginstallment buyingby itselfplay it safeplay it by earbuybuy outbuy upbuy offbuyerimpulse buy
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